1. Donations
It takes a lot of funding to establish and run the Dental Therapy School. Neither the dental therapist students’ fees nor the patients’ charges are sufficient to full cover all of the costs.
Would you consider contributing financially to our work?
The Liberia Dental Therapy School is operated under the oversight of SIM Liberia.
2. How to donate
In order to run the dental training to provide compassionate care to the people of Liberia, we need your help! SIM is able to accept financial donations online from individuals who live in select countries. If you do not see your country listed, contact the SIM office nearest to you to find out how you can give.
To ensure your contribution goes to the right place always quote the unique SIM Liberia name and/or reference number:
Trinity Dental Clinic and Training Centre, 95210.
Click on your country:
Australia (this takes you straight to 95210)
Canada (enter 95210 in the ‘Search Project Name or Number’ box)
Liberia Cheques made payable to ‘SIM Liberia’ can be received by the Trinity Dental Clinic Administrator (Mrs Angeline Dunbar) at the Trinity Dental Clinic, ELWA hospital (see contacts page for the location)
New Zealand (Under Internet banking, enter project name and number 95210. Or, using Paypal, enter 95210 in the ‘What is the donation for’ box).
Switzerland (this takes you straight to 95210)
United Kingdom (choose “single gift” or “regular giving”, then select “to help a particular ministry”, enter in ‘Trinity Dental Clinic and Training Centre 95210’).
Alternatively, cheques, payable to ‘Serving In Mission’ (marked for Project 95210), may be posted to: Serving In Mission 6 Trust Court Histon Cambridge CB24 9PW.
United States (under “Give to SIM worker or project” enter 95210 and select Trinity Dental Clinic and Training Center)
Remember, if you don’t see your country here, link to one of our international SIM offices that are able to accept donations. Please contact them directly a quote our name and project number above.
3. Sponsor a student
If you are interested in sponsoring an individual student who has insufficient funding, please contact us via the contact page.
4. Pray
Our loving God hears our prayers. Liberia needs our prayers. Would you join us in prayer?
Our mission is to glorify the name of Jesus Christ by demonstrating the love of God through physical and spiritual healing, proclaiming the gospel, and making disciples. As we seek to address both the physical and spiritual challenges that Liberians face, please pray:
- That Jesus will be glorified
- That people’s lives will be transformed through the dental care they receive.
- That we can provide compassionate care in this resource-poor context
- That many lives will be saved, and much suffering eased through the work of the Dental Therapy School.
- That God would equip us for the task with the resources that we need: personnel, infrastructure, and funding for our project.
Do follow us on Facebook
If you would like to receive regular information and prayer updates please ask via the contacts page.